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Case study

Starting situation

Christiane is an energetic proud business owner of an education center called Montclair Learning Center in New Jersey. She’s opening a brand new daycare called Leonardo International School. She recently had a team redesign her logo and publish a website for the daycare…. but no clear strategy to launch her new daycare services and to make it fit with the education center’s online presence.


  • Christiane gave me a call to get an estimate. I offered a free one-hour workshop to understand her business needs.
  • We had a lovely one-hour workshop. I crafted a straightforward strategy to break down all that needed to happen to help Christiane communicate online, make new leads, and target the right families to enlist her new daycare service. I presented this strategy to C and fine-tuned it with her.
  • Now that the communication plan was laid out, we gave Christiane a proposal describing goals, deliverables, and 3 price options.
  • Christiane and I signed a Service Agreement.
    Step by step, my team and I implemented the changes and the deliverables according to plan.
  • Once a week, we had a meeting with Christiane to share key metrics about her online presence and inform her of what we were working on, and progress on the scope.
  • When the service agreement was complete, we shared an invoice and Christiane paid her bill using the link we sent her.
  • We gracefully continued our discussion with Christiane with a free monthly call to follow up on her progress online and help her business thrive further.

The Results

brand new Google Business Profile

of work on technical SEO and website copy to make the website google-friendly

New blog posts

new photos to celebrating diversity


Happy client says:

Congratulations, my dear! I’m also thrilled to collaborate with you! Your invaluable assistance is greatly appreciated.


Christiane's portrait
Hoppy Solutions

Digital Marketing

Serving Women Entrepreneurs who want an engaging website, killer emails, and a clear strategy to develop their sales. I’ll help you with a step-by-step plan for your marketing, revamp your website, create email campaigns, and execute your SEO and content marketing so you don’t have to.

Let's start a conversation

What’s on your mind? Is there a website you would like to upgrade?
or an impact you would like to maximize?
Want to better communicate online but don’t have the time to?
Want to multiply your best leads? Let’s chat.